TrueView: Time-Lapse Spotlight

exterior_IMG_1746_HDR_lowresM Realty's TrueView media team prides itself on staying current with the latest video production techniques. Time-lapse presentations are not only visual entertainment, they also express the experience of a property over several hours, ideally highlighting the transition of day into night. The figurative importance of transition to a home buyer aside, these videos allow people to connect an emotional response to the space. That connection to a home before even stepping onto the grounds is the vision of TrueView.

ext sunset1946 NE 70th St - Lincoln City069lowresDaylight photos only paint half the picture of any property. In addition to time-lapse technology, utilizing TrueView night photography can give potential buyers a behind-the-scenes glimpse of what the home has to offer. Not only does the lighting take on a magical quality, but the contrast is striking between TrueView night shots and typical real estate photography. That extra level of care and attention speaks to buyers and helps the home put its absolute best foot forward.



TrueView is only available to M Realty agents.

Learn more about it here.