Staying Home

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Well, it’s official in Oregon with Executive Order 20-12, that all non essential workers must stay home and practice safe social distancing. I’m glad to have the official word, the gray area of the last week and a half has been really hard for me. I’m a planner, and I implement the plans I make. I have several listings lined up for this spring, and now they are going to be on hold until we get permission to mingle to take photos and have buyers visit the houses. The ability to even add an Open House to our listings in RMLS has been removed, they can’t trust us brokers to stay home! Let’s look at the silver linings, shall we?

✔ You can get your house very ready to go on the market. No excuses, clean out those cabinets, pack up seasonal gear that won’t be needed until next year, and get that yard in tip top shape.

✔ Home repairs, if you can do it yourself, do it now. You will not only be more ready for the selling later this spring, but you will feel better every day you are in your house this month. This is one of the biggest aha moments every seller has. They finish a project that has been on the back burner for up to 10 years, and feel great! But then they move out. Every single person says they wish they had done it earlier.

✔ Video chat with me to go through your house projects! I can tell you what to do, and more importantly, what not to do. Some projects are not going to add any value to your home. So don’t do them if you don’t want to. Simple.

✔ You can get your pre-approval set with a great lender. Shop your options and rates around, get all your financial documents ready, and hit the ground ready to write an offer with an Underwritten Pre Approval! I have great lenders who are working from home, so let me know if you need their info.

✔ You can really get to know what you need in your next home. Another bathroom? Basement get-away space? Bigger yard? More neighbors? Less neighbors? Different neighbors??? What spaces do you love in your current place, what could be improved, what don’t you need? Pay attention now, and hit the market with a great vision for your next home.

Another silver lining is that I will be here in a month, and the month after that, and after that, to help you with all of your real estate questions and needs!

Stay in, stay safe, stay sane,
